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She stated that it is sometimes enough to simply “acknowledge that there is harm done, but there comes a point when you've done such significant harm that you need to do active measures of reparations to resolve that harm.” Juliana Bennett, a UW-Madison student and the alder for District 8, condemned the university’s tendency to acknowledge past atrocities without putting in the work to rectify them. The university stated on Twitter that it has no plans to do so, and did not address this statement in a request for comment. The Public History Project article urged the university to provide financial compensation to the victims and their families, many of whom faced a lifetime of repercussions academically, professionally and emotionally. during the two decades after World War II, many of which have not been uncovered.” Tyler Albertario, an LGBTQ+ historian from New York who studied political science at Binghamton University, stated that it is likely that these purges occurred at “every public university system in the U.S.

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